Watch out! Ticks about!

Watch out! Ticks about!

Last summer I got a tick! I re-read the information I needed and headed off to the local pharmacy and got myself a tick removal card. Then, with the help of a colleague, we removed it and that was that. The tick removal card, the size of a credit card, now stays in my...
Plantar Fasciitis – the Podiatrist/Chiropodist’s View

Plantar Fasciitis – the Podiatrist/Chiropodist’s View

It’s lovely to welcome back Andrew Gladstone to give us his view on this very common condition. “Plantar Fasciitis, or PF for short, is one of the most common foot pain issues I see in my clinic. Often patients have had the problem for a long time and see me when it’s...
Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis

This is the first of a series of blog posts for you on the subject of Plantar Fasciitis, which is something I have noticed that many of my women have been dealing with and it is affecting their enjoyment of walking. This one is from the perspective of Nikki Robinson,...
What to Think About When You Cast Off Those Socks

What to Think About When You Cast Off Those Socks

I may have my take on barefoot walking and, while I might share that with you at a later date, I felt that this, the international ‘No Socks Day’, is one of those times when a little expert advice is good to have. I am very lucky to have access to a...